There are three numbers making me happy right now: 26, 76 and 150. I’m going to explain why they make me happy, but I’m sharing them because I think they hold important lessons for anyone trying to make a living making music.
26 dollars is the average sales price my band, Too Much Joy, has been seeing for our most recent album, Mistakes Were Made, on Bandcamp since it came out in March. Note that anyone who wants the tracks can play them for free right there on Bandcamp, or in any of the online music services, and — if they want to own them as downloads — can buy them for just $10. But, since Bandcamp also let’s us sell physical vinyl and CDs in addition to downloads, and treats the retail price we set for any of those as a floor, rather than a ceiling, anybody who buys the album there has the option of paying more if they so choose. And, amazingly, most of them DO opt to do just that.